Monday 19 April 2010

Polling station walk-through

Since yesterday's post I have discovered another useful resource from the Electoral Commission - on a sub-site called 'About my vote'.

This time it's an animated visit to a polling station. Every step of the voting process is clearly explained and it takes account of differences in Scotland (where, for example, polling stations are called polling places) and Northern Ireland (where you are asked to show ID when you vote). My only criticism is that, because it was written in 2008, a circled date - Thu May 1st - on a calendar in one of the screens might cause some confusion.

The walk-through is bound to prompt discussion and would make a great introduction to any lesson about the 2010 election. If you use this resource in your classes please share your ideas or observations by leaving a comment (or you can email me via

1 comment:

Leia Fee (ITeC) said...

Both of those resources are lovely. I'd like to use them in an exercise on "identifying the main points and ideas" of text and/or "listen and identify the main points of instructions", perhaps integrating with my IT class and having them convert the information into a PowerPoint, bulleting the main points from each section.

Perhaps do some supporting stuff to help them split it into "before the day" "on the day" "in the polling station".

The PDFs would print out nicely to be scribbled on and highlighted with coloured pens.