Two literacy and two numeracy practice versions are available at http://www.edexcel.org.uk/quals/alan/
I've tried out one of each and they appear to be robust and challenging. Each test has 30 multiple choice questions and the pass mark is 26. The time allowed is 1 hour. The layout and navigation tools are very clear: learners can flag questions to return to later and, after marking, can go back and review any questions they got wrong.
The numeracy test has an on-screen calculator for several questions.
The literacy test is based on six short texts (5 questions per text) and interestingly states that it is only a reading test and that learners will also have to do speaking & listening and writing tests (not available on-screen).
This passmark is 87%!. We have known several students who could not pass this but on the next day passed a numeracy Level 1 test.
Hmm, I agree there does seem to be a discrepancy here Mango. I'm not sure what the pass rate is on the L1 and L2 tests but I think it's around 60% for L1 and even lower for L2?
The sooner everyone moves from Adult Numeracy to Functional Skills Maths the better as far as I'm concerned!
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