I posted up the new site stats yesterday evening. Each month, I never cease to be fascinated by what's popular and what's not!
For June, TV programmes were obviously the clear favourite with Andrea McCulloch's Dr Who resource (2000+ downloads) and Karen Bruin's Coronation Street (1300+) proving very popular. Close behind was Ginette Kriche's Spelling and Sentence Building (1200+).
It's interesting to note that between them these resources cover all five levels of the adult literacy curriculum from E1 to L2.
hello Maggie glad to see you have a blog I love your site and use it a lot.I have put it as a link on my own blog .
Anyone who teaches adults with learning difficulties might be interested in my blog:
Thanks for your support Vienna. I love your Blog too - had not seen it before.
You have some great ideas in there for preEntry teachers. Will add it to a new 'Favourite Blogs' list. (As soon as I've worked out how to do so!)
Hi Maggie
Andrea McC. here.
I thought "Dr Who" would be popular when I wrote the questions - but had no idea it would be THAT popular. Wow.
The young man who inspired it, Andrew, was delighted. I think I may have hit on something here.... after the next few hectic weeks I'll have time to develop resources in a similar vein.
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